Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) and Regulation 347/558 - General Waste Management Training
Course Length - 6.5 hours
The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDGA) and Regulations (TDGR) are enforced both at the Provincial and Federal levels and are in place to ensure public safety and establish safety requirements when Dangerous Goods are being handled, offered for transport, or transported by road, rail, water, or air. Ontario Regulation 347/558 – General Waste Management under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) is enforced by the Ministry of Environment and requires that all employees who generate, handle, use, store, ship, and transports hazardous and non-hazardous waste, be trained in Regulation 347 – General Waste Management.
Training Course
This program is designed to meet TDGA/TDGR and MOE requirements for any worker who generates, handles, uses, stores, and/or ships and transports hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Training shall be refreshed every 3 years, as prescribed, or as new Hazardous or Dangerous Goods arise at the workplace. Training includes, but is not limited to:
Knowledge Evaluation
A knowledge evaluation will follow the training program to ensure an understanding of the material presented.
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